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Monitoring with IPRally

Monitoring automates weekly search tasks

Sakari Arvela avatar
Written by Sakari Arvela
Updated over 8 months ago

New patents and patent applications are published by the Patent Offices usually weekly. You can easily set up a monitoring profile that allows you to see if the newly published documents are relevant to you. Monitoring for Boolean search is not supported yet.

This is how to use the Monitoring function:

  1. Make a search case either by creating a graph, using a publication number or using full text search

  2. Inspect the search results to see if they are relevant and if necessary, adjust the filters and/or use Zoom to favorites to further focus the search on your most relevant technology

  3. When you are happy with the profile, press the Monitoring eye-icon to the left of Case Actions or choose "Turn monitoring on" from the Case actions menu of the search case (this will ‘lock’ the search including refinements):

You will now see a new ‘Monitoring’ tab in your results toolbar (Appearing after Favorites) and a Monitoring tab is activated.

Within the Monitoring Tab, you can:

  • Customise your Monitoring settings (notification cadence);

  • Share with other users;

  • (if subscribed) auto-tag new results with trained Classifiers

In the following weeks, the Monitoring tab will be populated by new publications that best match the profile and fit into the number of maximum results selected in the filters.

You will also receive monitoring e-mails based on the cadence set (see above), and link through to IPRally by selecting the relevant heading:

If the search case is shared with others, they'll also receive an email notification as setup by the case owner.

If necessary, you can restart the monitoring and clear the list using the RESTART button.

You will also see active monitoring cases, including the number of new (un-viewed) profile-matching documents, in the My Search Cases list as a lime-green badge. If you have many search cases, you can use the filter them to only see the Monitored ones:

Within the Monitoring tab, you can review the results. We suggest expanding the view by either ‘Expand All’ or clicking on ‘More’ to expand individual results:

Within the results page, you can customise the view via ‘View Options’ – which would include the ability to add Image Mosaics; Comments; Tags as well as selecting either the Abstract or First Claim:

If Zoom to Favorites’ is enabled on the Search Case – you can easily ‘Favorite’ any monitoring results to build a more focused monitoring case.

Please see our article on Processing the Results for more support on reviewing the results.

Some FAQ’s around Monitoring:

Q. How does monitoring work?

A. The search case that you are monitoring is run according to the cadence you have chosen, either weekly, monthly or quarterly

Documents that fulfil all the following rules are added to monitoring:

  • they are new results within the result set

  • they are not reported earlier

  • they were not part of the initial result set

Q. Will monitoring emails be sent to shared users?

A. YES! All users who have a monitoring case shared by the case owner will receive e-mails and have access to the monitoring tab. Please see more around Sharing via our Sharing Article

Q. Is there a limit on Monitoring Cases?

A. Currently there are no limits on the amount of Monitoring Cases setup per user

Q. Will changes/comments/favorites on shared Monitoring Cases be visible to all users?

A. YES, any comment, tag, favorite, view on a monitoring case is visible to all users (from Case Owner to Shared User)

Q. Will Monitoring update me on legal status changes, or changes to old publications already in my Case?

A. Currently only new publications will be shown dependant on the Case Search Parameters. Each patent (including family) is reported only once. Re-Publications of grants already reported, that are part of a patent family which was already reported in a monitoring case, are not reported again. If you wish to search for older publications, you should always use the ordinary Search patents button.

Note: The Monitoring function automatically utilizes the newest versions of IPRally algorithms, so there is no need to re-run your search cases.. However, no older publications than when you first initiated Monitoring or cleared all results will be shown. If you wish to search for older publications, you should always use the ordinary Search patents button.

Happy monitoring!

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